Testimony (transcript) of Lara Kaput to the Australian Productivity Commission’s “Philanthropy Inquiry”

Public hearings provide participants with the opportunity to elaborate on their submissions, respond to submissions of others, and to discuss issues with Commissioners. The transcripts of the hearings will be made available publicly on the Commission’s website. Any organisation or person can participate, either to appear and discuss their submissions or to observe the proceedings.

This testimony begins with: “I want to tell the committee and those in government, who are listening and people who read the transcript in the future, about the many complaints that I and others have made over seven years – some up to 11 years – to the Australian Charity and Not for Profit Commission, the ACNC, and the Australian Securities Insurance Commission – ASIC. The allegations concern the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as I said, and primarily relate to children – Australian children – and how important it is that if the committee can act that they should because Australia has lost faith with our charities.” Read on, here: Productivity Commission Philanthropy Inquiry 2024 Transcript Larissa Kaput
